In 2015, curators Tali Ben-Nun and Sally Haftel Naveh joined the society, and its name was changed to the Larva Society for Psychical Research. On the occasion of the World Goth Day on May 22, the Larva Society for Psychical Research will relocate temporarily to the Jerusalem Artists House—a historically significant building profoundly linked to the beginnings of Israeli art. located in a city which boasts numerous research centers. The Artists House will become a temporary, possessed body—a site still haunted by the ghosts of the past. Larva will operate on site for two and a half months, exploring the potential of the work of art as a medium for spiritualist activity. It will bring works by artists both living and dead together, transforming them into transmitters—objects which enable communication between matter (the work of art) and anti-matter (the spiritual world).
Much like the undead, Larva refers directly to the human body. It empties in order to be able to contain additional corpora, thereby accentuating the difference between the private body and the universal body. The gaping mouth of the biting vampire, the creature’s oozing organs, the blood dripping all around, the werewolf’s shape-shifting body, the dibbuk, illness, loss of control, loss of ethics, and loss of sanity—all these are manifestations of the undead as a universal body, that embodies Western society’s deepest fears: fear of aging, cloning, and technological advancements; fear of epidemics, terrorism, fascism, world war, destruction of the planet, apocalypse; fear of the dissolution of modern utopias; a lessening trust in religion and science alike; fear of uttering the voice of minorities, of constant erosion of the meaning of existence, and the devaluation in the status of man, family, and society.